
Event ratings info

100% real attendee experiences

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  Overall the event is good however the number of people greatly affects the quality of the workshops and organization. If you are not located in the first few rows it becomes very difficult to really see and understand what the artists are explaining. Also, given the large number of people, it feels like artists have to keep the level somewhat down. During the first few hours, the party also feels overcrowded. Scheduling also becomes a problem, a 10-15 min delay at the beginning of the day become  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  Great event and organisation with Nice workshops and people ! :) tips: For next time maybe some breaks in between the workshops. Vegetarian food. Shows were taking a bit long at friday before the social dancing..  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  I was only on Sunday - Very impressed - lots of good valued content and learning. Attended a couple of Sunday workshops and a bit of the evening party, and I enjoyed it. For even more value, for me, a couple of things: 1) I wish the moves for one of the workshops had a bit more structured explanation of integrating it into the music bits. It wasn't too fast but maybe a quick explanation and repetitive practice sometimes are not sufficient for a few people. Thought the teacher could pe  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  Overall the festival had a good vibe. I prefer the workshops where the teachers get technical and it’s not just a quick routine. I do feel there were to many shows on Saturday evening. The host was inappropriate with his sexist jokes: I felt embarrassed for the girls having to hug him and the insinuation that one of them would give him a blow job? That’s a hard no for me. I enjoyed the party after that and the colored lights made a nice atmosphere. Music was okay, I would have liked more slow se  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  Problems: - pre-program (shows) started 30+ mins too late on saturday - the pre-party program was too long - because I did not know that there were shows I waited very long for party to start. - quality of shows was not high - sound quality for speaker was bad. Could not understand him - did not like the way dj mixed up songs  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022

  Sylvia Alexandra

  Volvere nuevamente me gusto mucho el festival  

D&D Be Unlike 2022


  Organizer's response
Gracias por tu valoración

Madrid Esencia Festival 2022


Adam Bachata Festival 2022
